Monday, October 3, 2011

Worry Wart

It’s difficult when God shows you something He wants to improve in you, to stretch in you. It may be something that you feel you have under control, or have a pretty good grasp on, but then you have a 'God moment' and figure out that you don't.

For me, it's how much I think about myself and my own interests and desires. I'll just go ahead and say it: Hello, my name is Emily Creech, and I'm a worrier. It's funny how we can be really selfish without even realizing it. (I think when we're in that position, we're exactly where the enemy wants us.) A lot of times, (I'll just be honest, most times,) when something doesn't go my way I let my emotions take over. It's so easy to act out in what we're feeling in the moment. Whether it be pain, anger or sadness. God has shown me lately how many people see that. I hardly ever think about the people who are watching me, to see how I react to something that bothers me. It's a humbling thing to realize that when I'm having a pity party or worrying, there's someone who is hurting really bad in the same room as me who just needs a conversation or a smile to get through the day. How can I see that when all I'm looking at is my situation? How can God use me to be 'Jesus with skin on' if I'm worrying about things in my life that I have no control over; that I don't need to have control over?

Jesus commands us in His word not to worry. In Mat. 6:33-34 He says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

Can I just say Amen to that? Goodness, so much of what we worry about is so meaningless. And then, sometimes it's not, but its things that we need to give completely to God. He's got it under control. If He can clothe flowers and feed wild birds, why do I worry about my life? He says I'm much more valuable than birds.

A big thing God has been working in me this past year or so is trusting Him with everything. It's comical how easy it is to say that and how difficult it is to live out. But I have to say, I've learned that a perspective change goes a LONG way. It's easy to see what's in front of us, but sometimes it takes trying to see from a God-perspective to be at peace.

I'm learning that to get fresh perspective, all I have to do is ask for it. The importance of getting in the Word and spending time with Jesus cannot be over-emphasized. I’m not talking about doing a little devo and saying a little prayer. Sometimes that's powerful, but I'm talking about falling on your face before God and crying out to Him. Worship in the storm and confusion, pray even though no words are coming. Your spirit needs it.

This is just something God is showing me the importance of lately; giving everything to Him, disciplining myself to have that one-on-one time of just being in His presence. As He starts to change my perspective and fills me with more of Himself, then I can be outward focused and get my eyes off myself. I want to stop being down and worrying. Nowhere in the Bible do I see Jesus being a Debbie Downer. Instead, I want my life to scream hope and love.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree with you on that one. Sometimes, I am so focused on myself to even truly worship God. Like focusing on my singing and not singing to God. I have really been trying to get over myself and praying that God overwhelms me with His spirit in worship so that I don't get focused on myself. And just a comment on the w orrying, I heard an awesome sermon one time on Philippians 4:4-9. Verse 6 tells us to let our requests be made known to God: right relationship. Verse 8 tells us to think about whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise; think about these things: right thinking. Verse 9 tells us to practice these things: Right living. = the God of peace will be with us! I thought of this whenever reading your blog so hopefully it will be a word of encouragement!
