Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lessons From A Lizard

"But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. (Job 12:7, 9, 10 ESV)

Today as I was walking outside, I saw a little lizard no longer than my pinky finger scamper across the sidewalk. If you know anything about me, I love nature and the little details and intricacies of His creation. So naturally, I wanted to pick it up! At first I considered the traditional way of catching a lizard: chasing after it like a madman closing my hands over it to capture it. This method sometime results in the lizard biting you or bolting from your hands at any sign of an opening. So instead, I got down on my knees behind it and laid my hands down in front of it. It stood still for a moment, then slowly crawled into my open hands.  It surprised me when instead of running right through my hands like I thought it would, it stayed in my hands. Eventually, it's breathing slowed down, and it tilted it's head and closed it's eyes. As this tiny body laid in my hands and relaxed, I began to look at the little details of this creature. It's rough skin and perfect little  feet, it's tiny eyelids and long tail. I thought to myself, God put so much detail into something so small, how could I ever say He doesn't care for me or know the details of my life? Then I learned these lessons: 

1. The reason the lizard stayed in my hands is because my hands were open and I didn't move from where I was sitting. The moment I started to close my hands or move, he would have bolted away. He was never mine to hold onto, He belonged to God. Sometimes we try to hold onto things we are given so tightly that we lose them. We must trust God with them. We also tend to get anxious an want to move from where God has us, also causing us to lose what we are given. We must stay planted and hold people and situations with open hands, releasing control and trusting God and we must stay planted where God has put us, trusting that HE will give us what we need. 

2. Another reason the lizard stayed in my hands was because my hands were warm. My hands were warm because I am alive. He could feel my warmth and pulse even though I was not moving because I am alive and breathing. We have to be alive and thriving where we are planted. Things stay and grow where there is life. 

The lizard stayed in my hands for 20 minutes. I'm convinced that he would have stayed even longer if I didn't move because I had to go to lunch! That's just the beauty of our God, He will teach and show us what we need in the places where we least expect it, even from a lizard. 

"They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God." (Psalm 92:13 ESV)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Apathy vs Love

I'm sick of the brokenness of this world; I'm sick of my own apathy. There are hundreds of faces in the dark staring back at me. Why do I sit and stare and ponder? Why are my thoughts not focused and my feet led to wander? I'm a child of a King not lacking in power; Yet another second goes by...a minute, an hour. When will I use what I'm given to change things? Art, perspective and words go a long way,  but LOVE unites it all and is what true Light brings; it comforts the broken, it stops all the bleeding. It's the way back to life; the way back to Eden.  So what's the purpose of this short rhyme? To move thoughts into actions... If not yours, then mine.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Beauty in the Mundane

This is an entry I came across in my journal from October 2011. It really encouraged me to be reminded of what God has been teaching me over the course of this internship and season in my life, so I thought I'd share it with the hopes that it encourages you as well. :)

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from beginning to end." Ecc. 3:11

Today is just another day. One of those that can seem mundane. There's nothing spectacular, no big event that is happening today. But this day is important. It's another chance to learn from God and look for ways to show His love. In this life, there is one thing and one thing only that is not "striving after the wind" (Ecc. 2:11). And that is living for God. This may be an ordinary day, but it is one of many that God is using to form the season I am in. Day by day, though I may not see it or feel it, my God is working on me from the inside out. Therefore, this is not simply just another day. It's a construction zone. I want to set out and be joyful in everything that happens. I want to laugh, live and be joyful. I want my excitement for the day and for being under construction to be contagious. Because when the finished product of this season comes, I want to rejoice at how God made everything beautiful in its time. I want to look for the beauty in all things as He silently works to make everything beautiful. There is beauty in seasons of brokenness as well as seasons of wholeness. Jesus, make me more like you and use today to teach me what it is You want me to learn. Amen.